Walt's Band Song Catalog
Coming Soon
Our next sheet music and video release is a safe and special song about my town of Victoria. Come back around June 26th to snap up your copy. Site members enjoy a splendid Launch Discount on the sheet music that day and for the following week.
Songs Sung Sideways
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Use the form below to buy the available sheet music for songs on this album, or the album itself on CD.
If you have JavaScript enabled, the form updates as you check and uncheck boxes. The Check out via PayPal button at the bottom lets you complete payment. If you buy sheet music, download links will be displayed to you on your return to the site, and will be permanently available on your Dashboard page if you are a site member.
On Walt’s Sheets
- Most sheet music packages include Piano only, Piano and voice, and Lead sheet versions.
- Guitar chord symbols are provided with each of the three versions.
- Download our sample sheet music, a little tune called Over You, any old time.